Siege Fan Vote Battle 3-Pack Official Stock Photos of Amazon Exclusive



One surprise out of SDCC today was the reveal of a new Amazon-exclusive battle pack, featuring redecos of Mirage, Impactor, and Cog. The Fan Vote Battle 3-Pack sets out to sort of fulfill the promise of the Siege character selection fan vote, presenting the chosen pair of characters as a versus pack. But there's a catch. Impactor features a tweaked deco inspired by the IDW comics, notably featuring hazard striping consistent with the character's history as a miner in that universe. Bringing the reference even closer, this release of Impactor has an alternate head sculpt based on the IDW comics art. But he also has a Decepticon insignia now - just like in the fan vote art from so long ago. Mirage is now cast predominantly in clear blue, as "Holo Mirage". The only parts not cast in clear blue are the unpaintable nylon parts. If the regular release toy's clear plastic legs were a problem for you, this is probably definitely not the version you should be looking at. Finally, we have a redeco of Cog in red with a new head as a Powerdasher. People with more knowledge of the matter than I tell me this head design belongs to the jet Powerdasher, while the colors used are distinctly the car Powerdasher, named Aragon.
